NGSS Screening Assistant

To assist teachers, schools, and districts in their evaluation of Green Ninja’s curriculum and the alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), we have assembled some materials and tools to help evaluators find the information they need.

Below we highlight a collection of lesson sequences for each grade level that illustrates good alignment with NGSS including a) the use of phenomenon or problems, b) the presence of logical sequences, c) student opportunities for figuring things out, and d) assessment of three-dimensional performances.

Grade 6

1.8 - 1.10 Greenhouse Effect

[MS-ESS3-5] [MS-PS3-3]

+ Phenomenon

Students begin this lesson sequence with the phenomenon, “Earth’s average temperature is 58.3 ºF (14.6 ºC), but the average temperature on Venus is 864 ºF (462 ºC).” So far in this unit, students have investigated temperature and energy transfer. This next set of lessons provides an opportunity to apply the core ideas of temperature and energy transfer to the greenhouse effect as they figure out why it’s so hot on Venus.

+ Logical Sequence

Students are introduced to the phenomenon about the big difference in surface temperatures on Earth and Venus, then progress through a series of activities during which they model the greenhouse effect, read scientific text, analyze pie charts of the atmospheric gases on Earth and Venus, and develop an investigation to determine if carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) really does increase temperature. Based on their findings, students conclude that the reason Venus’s atmosphere is so hot is because it has such a high concentration of carbon dioxide.

+ Students are Figuring Out

This series of lessons on the greenhouse effect provides students with different modalities to explore the relationship between greenhouse gases, temperature, and thermal energy transfer. Students begin their investigation of the greenhouse effect with a quick demonstration during which a student volunteer is covered with several blankets. After discussing why the volunteer feels warm, students read text to obtain scientific information about greenhouse gases and their role in absorbing thermal energy. The reading helps students make connections between the blanket activity and the actual greenhouse effect. Students further their understanding of the relationships between greenhouse gases, temperature, and thermal energy transfer as they take on the various roles of greenhouse gases, heat, the Earth, and the Sun, in a kinesthetic play. Students design and carry out an investigation to determine the effect of carbon dioxide on temperature, providing evidence that greenhouse gases do in fact absorb thermal energy. Finally, students analyze pie charts of the atmospheric components of Venus and Earth to predict that the high concentration of carbon dioxide in Venus’s atmosphere is the likely cause of the high surface temperatures.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

The goal of this series of lessons is to reinforce the concepts of thermal energy transfer (PS3.B; CCC-5) and for students to consider the ways in which natural and human activities affect global temperatures (ESS3.D). The models (SEP-2) in which students participate serve as the foundation of their understanding of the relationship between greenhouse gases and rising global temperatures. The scientific reading, data analysis, and investigation provide information and evidence of the cause and effect relationship (CCC-2) between greenhouse gases and temperature and how this affects global climate over time (CCC-7).

2.15 - 2.18 Thermal Mass Investigation

[MS-PS3-4] [MS-PS3-5]

+ Phenomenon

"Sand heats up (and cools off) faster than water." The thermal mass investigation directly relates to this phenomenon as students plan investigations to determine what factors affect how materials heat up. This phenomenon offers students the opportunity to use the three dimensions as they plan and carry out investigations (SEP-3), recognize that proportion and quantity affect how materials heat up (CCC-3), and grasp the core ideas of energy and energy transfer (PS3.A, PS3.B).

+ Logical Sequence

This series of lessons comes after students build an understanding of home energy use through the energy tracker lessons. Students are then introduced to passive solar homes, which are models of energy efficiency. The concept of thermal mass is key to understanding passive solar homes, and in order to understand thermal mass, students study kinetic energy. Students learn about kinetic energy and its relationship to temperature and energy transfer through guided practice and online interactive PhET simulations. Students review experimental investigative practices, then design their thermal mass investigations. The results of the investigations will be used as students design passive solar home prototypes in upcoming lessons.

+ Students are Figuring Out

Throughout this sequence, students make sense of the phenomenon as they make predictions and develop models (SEP-2) showing the relationship between kinetic energy and temperature (PS3.A). As they carry out their thermal mass investigations, students make sense of the phenomenon that materials heat up differently and make connections about the proportional relationships between changes in temperature and the mass, volume, and type of material (CCC-3).

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Students write reports detailing their investigations and findings. The reports provide an assessment of students’ ability to plan and carry out an investigation (SEP-3) and identify the proportional relationships (CCC-3) between volume and mass and the amount of energy transfer (PS3.B) needed to heat different materials.

3.18 - 3.24 Factors Contributing to Local Climate


+ Phenomenon

This lesson sequence begins with students exploring the weather and climate in their adopted cities. As students share their findings, they generate the phenomenon for this series of lessons, "Different cities can have very different climates." In the subsequent lessons, students look for explanations for the phenomenon.

+ Logical Sequence

After generating the phenomenon, students proceed through a series of lessons consisting of exploratory activities and guided instruction involving models and systems, as well as data analysis, to understand how air pressure, winds, latitude, altitude, geographical features, and ocean currents affect local climates. Students use their findings to explain the phenomenon.

+ Students are Figuring Out

The lessons position students to explain the phenomenon by introducing one factor at a time, building student understanding with each new concept. Student learning takes place through models (SEP-2) that represent systems and their interactions (CCC-4). Students also analyze and interpret data (SEP-4) as they collect information to explain the phenomenon. At the end of the lesson sequence, students extend their understanding as they apply what they learned to different scenarios in a climate game.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Throughout this lesson series, students record information and create diagrams and graphs in their science notebooks. These activities are used as a formative assessment of student understanding as they move through the factors affecting climate and help the teacher evaluate students’ abilities to create models of systems (SEP-2, CCC-4) and analyze data (SEP-4). Additionally, students participate in a climate game at the end of this lesson sequence and display their results. This enables students to reflect on their own understanding and gives the teacher additional information of how well students apply the new concepts to identifying patterns (CCC-1) that are characteristic of climate patterns in different parts of the world.

5.7 - 5.12 Water Cycle


+ Phenomenon

"We are drinking the same water the dinosaurs drank!" The phenomenon is introduced with an image, and students are given the opportunity to access prior knowledge and share their ideas, comments, and questions. These are written on chart paper to be referenced throughout the sequence. This phenomenon provides an excellent opportunity for students to use the three dimensions to make sense of their observations and ideas.

+ Logical Sequence

After discussing the phenomenon, students progress through a series of activities that give students the opportunity to explore each stage of the water cycle in terms of the physical changes of water and the energy and forces involved.

+ Students are Figuring Out

Through a series of lessons, students figure out how the transfer of energy (CCC-5) drives the continual cycling of water among the land, ocean, and atmosphere (ESS2.C). This is achieved by hands-on investigations and demonstrations where students are guided through questions as they gather evidence and develop reasoning to make sense of the phenomenon. Students create concept map models (SEP-2) of the water cycle starting with the lesson on evaporation. After each stage of the water cycle is covered, students add new information to their models. Students are encouraged to revise their concept map models or even start over, as needed, to incorporate new understanding. The completed concept map models of the water cycle help students visualize and describe the very large-scale phenomenon of water cycling and identify the processes that drive the cycle.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

The assessment piece for this series of lesson is the Water Cycle Story. Students are instructed to write a story chronicling the journey of a water drop, using their concept map models as guides. The instructions contain specific guidelines for students to follow, creating an opportunity to assess how well students use the three dimensions of the Performance Expectation to explain the relationships between the components of the water cycle as well as to make sense of the phenomenon. A rubric is provided for the teacher to aid in assessment.

5.24 - 5.29 Body Systems Research


+ Phenomenon

"Walking requires many body systems working together." Students develop their understanding of systems to investigate how different body systems work together to help support a person walking.

+ Logical Sequences

Students begin by developing levels of organization, from cells to organisms. Then they work in small groups to research different body systems.

+ Students are Figuring Out

As student teams research a body system, they figure out that different organs can work together as subsystems to form organ systems (CCC-4), and different organ systems interact with each other to carry out necessary functions for growth and survival (LS1.A). As students share their research, they not only describe the organ system and its function but also provide evidence (SEP-7) to support the idea that organ systems work together. The phenomenon is revisited after the poster session providing students the opportunity to explain the phenomenon in the context of systems and system interactions.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Student teams create reports and share their research in a poster session. The reports are assessed in order to show that students provide evidence (SEP-7) as they explain the structure and function of their organ system, utilizing the crosscutting concept that systems interact with other systems to carry out body processes.

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Grade 7

1.8 - 1.13 Continental Drift


+ Phenomenon

"Earth’s resources are unevenly distributed." This phenomenon is actually generated by students in earlier lessons when they mark a world map indicating where the resources to build smartphones come from. The student map provides a visual to the phenomenon. This is discussed with students as they are challenged to access prior knowledge to come up with explanations for the phenomenon.

+ Logical Sequence

Students are introduced to Alfred Wegener and his theory of continental drift. Students then progress through a series of lessons in which they explore a continental puzzle and model seafloor spreading, which provide evidence of Wegener’s theory that the continents are constantly moving.

+ Students are Figuring Out

After being introduced to Alfred Wegener and his theory that the continents have shifted, students examine patterns (CCC-1) in rocks, fossils, and coastline shapes in order to provide evidence of Wegener’s theory. They gather more evidence as they analyze data (SEP-4) and construct models of the seafloor to investigate the mechanism of seafloor spreading. Again, students are encouraged to look for patterns in the data and their models (CCC-1, CCC-4). Students write CER statements using the evidence of tectonic processes from the seafloor spreading activities as well as patterns observed in the continental puzzle activity to support Wegener’s theory that Earth’s plates have moved over time (ESS2.B).

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Students are assessed on both the continental puzzle and seafloor spreading activities. In each activity, students answer questions and are directed to write CER statements. Through the questions and CER statements, students use the three dimensions as they look for patterns (CCC-1) and as they analyze and interpret the data (SEP-4) in order to provide evidence in the form of CER statements of past plate motions (ESS2.B). Additionally, students create skits in which they present evidence as to why Wegener was right and why the theory of continental drift explains the phenomenon that Earth’s mineral resources are not evenly distributed.

3.7 - 3.11 Identifying and Using Chemical Reactions

[MS-PS1-2] [MS-PS1-6]

+ Phenomenon

This series of lessons begins with the teacher demonstrating the phenomenon, "When we mix different things together, we get different results." After students observe the phenomenon and participate in a class discussion, they visit stations where they directly engage in experiments, analyze and interpret data, and look for patterns to make sense of the phenomenon.

+ Logical Sequence

Once students discuss the phenomenon, they visit multiple stations where they mix different substances together. Throughout the stations activity, students are prompted to record characteristic properties of the substances before and after they interact and look for patterns in order to understand why mixing different substances yields different results. The lessons then focus on reactions that either cause a temperature increase or decrease. This transitions students into an engineering design project during which they design and construct a device that releases or absorbs thermal energy.

+ Students are Figuring Out

As students visit the stations, they record their observations and are prompted to analyze their data and look for patterns. Students use these patterns to determine whether or not a chemical reaction has occurred. This enables students to explain the phenomenon—when some things interact, they react chemically to form new substances. As students design their devices that absorb or release thermal energy, they must utilize what they learned from the stations to create the desired outcome. Additionally, as students move through the design project, they must test and modify their designs based on the test results.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Students fill in a data table with their observations from the different stations. They look for and describe patterns (CCC-1) in the data. A class discussion gives the teacher insight as to students’ ability to analyze and interpret data (SEP-4) to identify the patterns. Additionally, a formal rubric is provided for the engineering design project giving both the teacher and the students guidance as to how well students utilize the three dimensions in their design solutions.

4.11 - 4.13 Law of Conservation of Matter

[MS-PS1-5] [MS-LS2-3]

+ Phenomenon

"Healthy Soil = Healthy Ecosystem". How can we prove that matter is conserved? Students observe that matter is conserved in a chemical reaction. These lessons do not directly address the phenomenon, which was introduced in an earlier lesson. The chemical process of decomposition is highlighted in this lesson series and ties to soil and ecosystems because decomposition takes place in the soil.

+ Logical Sequence

At this point in the unit, students have learned what “healthy” soil is, and they have learned the basic components of an ecosystem: producers, consumers, and decomposers. This series of lessons uncovers the chemical process of decomposition, and students use this chemical reaction to prove that matter is conserved during a chemical reaction.

+ Students are Figuring Out

Students first observe a chemical reaction, which models the decomposition chemical reaction that takes place in soil. After watching the demonstration, students develop models (SEP-2) of the reactants and products using manipulatives. Through these models, students identify that matter is conserved (CCC-5) because the total number of each type of atom is conserved (PS1.B). Students further develop and use models (SEP-2) as they design an experimental model proving the law of conservation of mass.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Students are required to write a report. The report provides evidence that students developed and used their experimental models (SEP-2) to show the total number of each type of atom is conserved (PS1.B) by showing that the mass does not change over the course of the reaction. Students utilize the crosscutting concept of conservation of matter (CCC-5) to explain this phenomenon.

6.13 - 6.19 Geoscience Processes Have Changed Earth’s Surface


+ Phenomenon

"You can find evidence of many Earth processes occurring in just one place." Students are introduced to the Santa Monica Mountains on the California coast and study the different land formations in the area. Throughout the sequence, students engage directly with the phenomenon as they analyze, develop, and use models (SEP-2) and examine the temporal scale (CCC-3) of mountain building with the goal of constructing explanations (SEP-6) for how the Santa Monica Mountains formed.

+ Logical Sequence

The lesson sequence begins with students taking a virtual hike in the Santa Monica Mountains in order to observe the various surface formations of the area. As students move through the lessons, they examine large time scale events such as plate tectonics, then move to smaller time scale events such as volcanoes, earthquakes, and landslides to analyze how they changed Earth’s surface to form the mountains.

+ Students are Figuring Out

Students examine models of plate tectonics and underwater volcanism and are asked to analyze the models in terms of explaining how the Santa Monica Mountains formed and the timescale in which the processes occur (ESS2.A). Students ask questions and utilize prior knowledge about Earth processes as they revise the models to better explain the processes. Additionally, students participate in activities that model the role of water in Earth’s surface processes (ESS2.C).

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Throughout the lesson sequence, students fill in a BINGO card with images of the Santa Monica Mountains that depict the different geoscience processes that formed them (ESS2.A, ESS2.C). After completing the BINGO card, students write explanations based on evidence (SEP-6) for how each particular Earth process, categorized by temporal scale (CCC-3), has changed its surface and created the Santa Monica Mountains.

6.20 - 6.27 Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

[MS-LS2-1] [MS-LS2-2]

+ Phenomenon

"Everything is connected and affected by change." Students are introduced to this phenomenon with an image of a fox chasing a rabbit. Students engage with the phenomenon throughout this sequence of lessons as they play multiple rounds of a dynamic ecosystem simulation between foxes and rabbits then collect and analyze data (SEP-4) to construct explanations (SEP-6) for how organism interactions and change are connected.

+ Logical Sequence

The lesson sequence begins with students understanding what ecologists study. Students then play the roles of foxes, rabbits, and plants in an ecosystem simulation while collecting data as ecologists. Next, students organize then analyze the data, looking for patterns and linking their observations to the phenomenon. Finally, students make inferences based on the data as to how all of the organisms in the ecosystem are connected.

+ Students are Figuring Out

The series of lessons gives students the opportunity to make sense of the phenomenon in several different ways. Students ask scientific questions (SEP-1) and access prior knowledge about ecosystem interactions with a KWL chart. These activities provide a link to new learning as students participate in the ecosystem simulation and collect data on how populations of organisms are affected by different ecosystem dynamics (LS2.A). Students analyze and interpret data (SEP-4), look for patterns (CCC-1), and identify cause and effect relationships (CCC-2) to construct explanations (SEP-6) for the phenomenon.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Students are assessed on their ability to create organized data from the ecosystem simulation activity in the form of a graph and to construct explanations (SEP-6) by interpreting the data (SEP-4). The assessment targets the lesson sequence objectives and gives evidence of students’ ability to utilize the crosscutting concepts of patterns and cause and effect (CCC-1, CCC-2) as they identify interactions among organisms and explain why everything is connected and affected by change.

Grade 8

1.2 - 1.7 Moon Passing Earth

[MS-ESS1-2] [MS-ESS1-3]

+ Phenomenon

The far side of the moon is seen passing the Earth.” Students see a series of images of the Earth taken by the NASA EPIC camera that is positioned 1,000,000 miles from Earth with a full view of the Earth every day. This phenomenon provides students with a unique view of the Earth and Moon, and engages students in trying to figure out how such unique photos are taken, and the related relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth.

+ Logical Sequence

The lessons in this sequence begin with images of the Earth from Space, and then ask students to develop a model of the Sun/Earth/Moon/Satellite to explain how such photos could be taken. Students then participate in an exploration of non-contact forces and in particular gravity as they further refine and expand their model to the entire solar system.

+ Students are Figuring Out

This set of lessons provides students with multiple opportunities to figure out the relationship between different objects in space. In one part of the lesson sequence, students use an online simulation to learn more about the relationship between gravity, mass, and distance. This knowledge then helps students understand how the space camera could take such images of the Moon and Earth.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

One of the goals for this lesson sequence is for students to develop a system model (CCC-4) of the universe or solar system. They begin with a very simple model (SEP-2), but through a series of simulations, they discover the cause and effect (CCC-2) relationship between gravity, mass and distance and apply that to a better understanding of the role of gravity on our solar system.

3.11 - 3.14 Waves


+ Phenomenon

"An echo, a rainbow, and the color black are all due to wave behavior." This phenomenon directly engages students in an investigation of wave behavior, specifically absorption, transmission, and reflection.

+ Logical Sequence

The lessons in this series begin with students exploring different wave behaviors by visiting stations. Students then read brief text descriptions of wave behavior and are tasked with coming up with a class definition of each wave behavior. Students then participate in two different activities during which they model waves. In the first activity, students use given manipulatives to model wave behavior. In the second activity, students develop kinesthetic models of wave behavior.

+ Students are Figuring Out

This set of lessons gives students multiple opportunities to make sense of the phenomenon as they ask questions and are guided through questions and activities to link prior knowledge of waves and experience new understanding of how waves behave. This new knowledge contributes to student understanding of how wave behavior enables satellites to work.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Through activities and modeling (SEP-2), students demonstrate understanding of the types of waves and wave properties (PS4.A) as they explore how different materials affect wave behavior (CCC-6). Additionally, a written assessment requires students to explain the phenomenon, showing their understanding of how satellites use wave behavior to receive and transmit information.

4.3 - 4.5 Variation


+ Phenomenon

"Lima beans are different sizes." The investigating variation activity provides direct engagement to the phenomenon as students identify variation in a population and discover that this phenomenon affects the probability of a specific organism surviving in a specific environment.

+ Logical Sequence

The lesson sequence begins with accessing prior knowledge and looking at variation of human traits. After studying the anatomy of a seed to understand the components and how the seed provides food for a plant to grow, students measure the size of populations of lima beans. They graph and analyze the data and are guided through a series of questions to identify the likelihood of different sized seeds being able to germinate in different environmental conditions.

+ Students are Figuring Out

As students collect, graph, and analyze data on seed size, they see what variation looks like in a population. They are then asked questions to guide them to figure out how some traits can be more common in a population, depending on environmental conditions.

+ Three-dimensional Performance

Students are assessed on their understanding of variation of traits within a population and how this variation enables some organisms to survive in different environmental conditions (LS4.B). Students identify the cause and effect relationship between a variation in traits and the probability of survival (CCC-2) as they provide evidence and reasoning (SEP-7) for natural selection.